Advanced Family Mediation - Dealing with Difficult Issues in Family Mediation

Product Type: Course

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Thursday and Friday, April 20 and 21, 2023
9:00 am – 5:30 pm (both days) via webinar

Please note: This course will not be added to Courses on Demand.  Courses involving professional speakers and skills-based workshops generally do not get added to Courses on Demand.

Who should attend: All those wishing to enhance their mediation skills and understanding. This course is essential for new family mediators.

Learning level: Advanced

The fourth and final course in CLEBC's Family Law Mediation curriculum, this program will focus on issues such as bias and impartiality, ethical issues in mediation, high-conflict personalities, culture, co-mediation, and multiparty disputes.

For those wishing to become Family Law Mediators under the Family Law Act, this is the final course in our 80-hour curriculum.

This course will count for 16 hours of mediation training and will include exercises and role-plays in mediation settings.

Please note: This course is offered remotely through a Zoom platform. A device equipped with a camera and microphone will be required to participate.


This course would be the appropriate course for those who have completed Family Law Mediation Levels 1, 2 & 3 under our previous curriculum design.

Law Society of BC CPD Hours: 16 hours (including a minimum of 2 hours pertaining to professional responsibility and ethics, client care and relations, and/or practice management)

Course Chairs
Carol W. Hickman, KC — Virgin Hickman, Vancouver
Arlene H. Henry, KC — Arlene H. Henry Law Corporation, Vancouver

Register by Mar. 23/23
Regular Price
After Mar. 23/23
Webinar $1,169 $1,299

Are you an Indigenous lawyer or community member?
Click here for special pricing.

Do you need financial assistance?
Click here for bursary information.

Experiencing financial hardship due to COVID-19?
You may be eligible for further reductions in our course prices.
Please contact Customer Service for more information.

Registration includes an electronic copy of the workshop materials.

Want to register for a course now, but prefer a monthly payment plan?
Check out our Easy Pay Plan

Discover all of our Family Law resources here

CLEBC Program Coordinator 
Mary Kingston

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