Supreme Court Chambers Orders: Annotated - Print

Product Type: Publications - Print
ISBN: 0-86504-516-x
Pages: 706
Price: $329.00

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Draft common chambers orders with ease

This publication is essential for: lawyers and legal support staff who draft BC Supreme Court orders

Current to: December 1, 2022

Careful preparation for a chambers application is essential to your case. Supreme Court Chambers Orders: Annotated, prepared by members of the Bench, Bar, and Court Registry, offers you a collection of over 80 sample chambers orders. This manual includes the text of the Supreme Court Civil Rule or section of the Act on which the application is based, what you need to include in the notice of application and supporting material, and case authority for the application.

With this resource, you will be able to:

  • draft chambers applications that will get you the order you want
  • save time drafting routine chambers  orders
  • reduce the number of times your chambers orders are rejected or reviewed by the court registry 

Buy today and build your collection of sample chambers orders! View a sample from this book!

Highlights of the 2023 Update include:

The 2023 Update incorporates amendments to the Supreme Court Civil Rules, Administrative Notices, and Practice Directions; amendments to legislation; and consequent revisions to all orders and the "Jurisdiction of the Master" table. Many of the annotations have been revised to include updated case law and discussion.

Product Type Price
Print $329

Sign up for a Standing Order to receive notice one month before a new update is released and receive a special update price. Contact Customer Service for more information. Sign up for an annual subscription to this title and receive 30% off the price of the print copy.

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CLEBC Legal Editor
Jennifer Thorne

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