Prosecution and Defence of Sexual Offences 2023

Product Type: Course

This course has no current sessions.

DescriptionMore DetailAgenda

Are you prepared for the array of new challenges presented by sexual assault files?

On the rebroadcast date, you will have until midnight of that rebroadcast date to access the course. Please note that technical support will be available during regular CLEBC business hours.

Last Kick at the Can Series 2023
Thursday, December 14, 2023
Friday, December 22, 2023

(Original Webinar Date: June 5, 2023)

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Who should attend: This course will be of interest to all counsel who handle sexual offences, both Crown counsel and defence counsel, as well as law enforcement officers. This course will also be of interest to counsel who handle civil sexual violence actions.

Learning level: All levels

Sexual assault presents unique challenges for both defence and prosecution. As the law evolves to reflect new understanding of the experiences of different complainants, practitioners must carefully balance the rights and defences of the accused with accommodations for complainants.

This crucial one-day course will explore the complex law related to sexual assault prosecutions, including issues related to the examination of witnesses, third-party records, witness accommodation, and sentencing.

Criminal lawyers, both Crown and defence at all levels of experience, along with law enforcement officers, are encouraged to attend this extensive and important course.

Law Society of BC CPD Hours: 6 hours (this course will contain a minimum of 1 hour pertaining to professional responsibility and ethics, client care and relations, and/or practice management). Please note: The CPD hours of the rebroadcast will either meet or exceed the CPD hours of the original live webinar course.

Course Chairs
Mila Shah Crown Counsel, BC Prosecution Service, Vancouver
Kevin B. Westell Pender Litigation, Vancouver

Last Kick at the Can 2023
Rebroadcast $508
Rebroadcast Articled Student $254

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Registration includes an electronic copy of the reference materials.

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Subscribe to Online Course Materials and access 5,400+ papers produced for CLEBC courses since 2001.

CLEBC Program Lawyer*
Raymond Lee

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