Interim Remedies: Mastering the Pre-emptive Strike in High Stakes Litigation 2023

Product Type: Course

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DescriptionMore DetailAgenda

Is your litigation "blitz" toolkit ready to go?

Tuesday, June 20, 2023
9:00 am – 4:15 pm
via webinar only

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Who should attend: Civil litigators in a broad cross-section, including but not limited to: corporate, commercial, securites, real property, and employment sectors

Learning level: All levels

More and more, public and private litigants are resorting to early interim remedies to achieve litigation objectives. Commercial disputes see the use of Mareva, Norwich, and Anton Piller orders. Employers and business buyers use injunctions to enforce restrictions on services and businesses. Public organizations use freezing orders, interim orders, and forfeiture orders to intervene in industries. These parties recognize that without early intervention, you can wind up with a hollow victory at the end of a long course of litigation.

In the dynamic world of 21st-century globally interconnected commerce, the value of rapid early action with interim remedies is more important than ever. The early contest may become the only meaningful contest.

This course will review a range of interim remedies in a variety of operating contexts. The objective of this course is to strengthen the "blitz" toolkit that every modern commercial litigator should have at the ready.

Law Society of BC CPD Hours: 5 hours (this course will contain a minimum of 1 hour pertaining to professional responsibility and ethics, client care and relations, and/or practice management). Please note: The CPD hours of the rebroadcast will either meet or exceed the CPD hours of the original live webinar course.

Course Chair
Chilwin Cheng — Ascendion Law, Vancouver

Register by May 23/23
Regular Price
After May 23/23
Live Webinar $369 $410
Live Webinar Articled Student $205 $205

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Registration includes an electronic copy of the reference materials.

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CLEBC Program Lawyer*
Raymond Lee

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