Government-to-Government Agreements & Implementation 2021

Product Type: Course

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How do "reconciliation agreements" impact land and water?

(Original Course Date: April 30, 2021)

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Who should attend: lawyers practicing in the area of Aboriginal, corporate, and natural resource law; in private practice, industry, and government; others who focus on Aboriginal law issues will also benefit, including Indigenous organizations, in-house counsel, and law students

Learning level: All levels

How do "reconciliation agreements" change what happens across land- and water-scapes?

There are many government-to-government agreements between Indigenous Nations and the Province of BC. How those agreements are expressed in provincial law, or how they change state law, remains largely a mystery to most communities and lawyers.

We will use case studies, including the Great Bear Rainforest agreements, to explore how the provincial government implements conservation-based reconciliation agreements.

This topic will be of interest to all lawyers who deal with land and water, particularly lawyers practicing Aboriginal and corporate law.

After taking this course, you will be able to:

  • introduce participants to the motivation for and structure of a range of government-to-government agreements relating to the governance of territories
  • confirm how those agreements are implemented in both state (provincial and federal) and Indigenous legal processes
  • identify challenges and opportunities in the implementation of these government-to-government agreements

Law Society of BC CPD Hours: 5.5 hours (this course does not contain professional responsibility and ethics, client care and relations, and/or practice management). Please note: The CPD hours of the rebroadcast will either meet or exceed the CPD hours of the original live webinar course.

Course Chairs
Deborah L. Curran — Associate Professor, Faculty of Law and School of Environmental Studies, Executive Director, Environmental Law Centre, University of Victoria, Victoria
Terri-Lynn gid7ahl-gudsllaay lalaxaaygans Williams-Davidson — White Raven Law Corporation|XUUYA GAADA KILYAHDA, Surrey

Reduced Pricing
To support you during COVID-19, CLEBC is offering reduced pricing for courses.

Last Kick at the Can 2021
Rebroadcast $459   $375
Rebroadcast Articled Student $229.50   $187.50

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Please contact Customer Service for more information.

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CLEBC Program Lawyer*
Teresa Sheward

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