Indigenous Legal Orders and the Common Law

Product Type: Course Materials - Print
ISBN: 978-1-55258-823-9
Pages: 316
Price: $150.00

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This book is essential for: all who focus on Aboriginal law issues, including lawyers in private practice, industry, and government; First Nations leaders, employees of First Nations or First Nations organizations, in-house counsel, and law students.

Current to: November 2012

This publication will be of interest to anyone involved in issues respecting Aboriginal people, and to everyone interested in building partnership in society. Learn from scholars of Indigenous law about the inherent principles and concepts underlying Indigenous legal orders. Read of existing applications of Indigenous law and join in exploration of what it means to establish a more pluralistic approach to legal problem-solving in Canada. Topics include: Indigenous world views, Indigenous legal orders in practice, pathways to recognition of Indigenous laws, and Indigenous law as law, on the ground, and in practice. Developing the idea of “the golden thread of continuity of the Common Law” offers both hope and a pathway to a future of peaceful and respectful co-existence. How can we, as practitioners and as a society, make space within the legal landscape for Indigenous legal orders?

Course Materials Coordinators
M. Louise Mandell, QC — Mandell Pinder LLP, Vancouver
Ardith A. Walkem — Walkem & Associates Law Corporation, Vancouver

CLEBC Program Lawyer
Teresa Sheward

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