BC Probate & Estate Administration Practice Manual

Product Type: Publications - Print + Online
ISBN: 978-1-55258-531-3
Pages: 2044
Price: $375.00

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Handle probate and estate matters with confidence

This publication is essential for: all practitioners who do estate administration or estate litigation work.

Current to: March 1, 2015; forms are current to July 1, 2015

The BC Probate and Estate Administration Practice Manual is the only practice-oriented guide for British Columbia legal professionals working in probate and estate administration. This long-standing, trusted resource is written and peer-reviewed by leading members of the wills and estates bar, and is updated annually.

With this resource, you will have:

  • step-by-step, practical guidance on managing probate and estate matters, from providing initial advice to a personal representative, to preparing and making applications, to handling difficult tax and conflict of laws issues
  • the forms and precedents you need, available as downloads or on a CD
  • convenient checklists on the procedures to follow in a matter

Online access conveniently places this resource at your fingertips and is fully searchable with links to full-text cases and legislation.

ONLINE ONLY annual subscriptions are available. Subscribe now.

Highlights of the Summer 2015 Update

  • incorporates amendments to the probate rules (Part 25 of the Supreme Court Civil Rules) and probate forms (Appendix A.1 of the Civil Rules) that took effect on July 1, 2015, pursuant to B.C. Reg. 103/2015
  • changes made to 12 of the key probate forms: rule changes affect when to apply by petition for certain orders, the substitution of personal representatives in the event of death, when to apply by desk order (instead of a hearing) for certain orders, and when to attach a copy of allegedly invalid or irrelevant testamentary documents in an application for estate grant

Highlights of the 2015 Update

  •  several chapters reorganized to incorporate changes to practice under the WESA, including chapters 2 (now “Devolution of Assets”), 3 (now “Pre-application Matters”), 4 (now “Proceedings Relating to Grant Applications”) and 18 (now “Proof in Solemn Form”)
  • registry and other practice changes occurring in the first year under the WESA
  • tax chapters 12 to 14 significantly revised for new developments affecting alter ego trusts, joint spousal trusts, spousal trusts, and other trusts; topics include:
    • graduated rate estates
    • life estates
    • joint liability for payment of tax
    • donation tax credits and effect on charitable giving; and
    • qualified disability trusts and disability tax credits
  • new discussions and appendix to deal with digital assets
  • new case law throughout, including the first decisions under the WESA and new Probate Rules
  • all recent federal and provincial legislative changes affecting practice
  • all features of the manual brought current to March 1, 2015, except where noted

CLEBC Legal Editor 
Jonathan M. Vogt

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