British Columbia Company Law Practice Manual - Print

Product Type: Publications - Print
ISBN: 1-55258-310-4
Pages: 2172
Price: $399.00

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From incorporation to dissolution: Every step of every transaction under the Business Corporations Act and Societies Act

This publication is essential for: lawyers who advise on transactions under the BC Business Corporations Act and Societies Act

Current to: August 15, 2023

The lengthy and complicated requirements of the BC Business Corporations Act and Societies Act demand a comprehensive resource. British Columbia Company Law Practice Manual is your guide to navigating and keeping your clients compliant with both statutes. Focused on practice and procedure, this resource follows the structure of the Acts and maps out the steps of every transaction from incorporation and meetings to amalgamations and dissolution. For each transaction, you will find commentary, explanations, and leading case law curated by leading BC corporate law practitioners.

With this resource, you will be able to:

  • advise your clients on the propriety of their Business Corporations Act and Societies Act transactions and filings
  • save time drafting transaction documents with over 125 forms and precedents
  • keep abreast of the latest developments in corporate law and procedures

Buy today and practice corporate law confidently! View a sample from this book!

Highlights of the 2023 Update include:

  • commentary on new (May 2023) process for removing oneself as director of a company
  • new forms and precedents for capital alterations: resolutions specifying a special majority and exceptional resolution altering an exceptional resolution provision
  • commentary on latest amendments to the Societies Act and updated procedure and recent case law for societies, plus new forms and precedents; registers of members and directors and resolution authorizing dissolution of society by request
  • updated guidance from BC Registries and Online Services on electronic filing
  • new guidance on termination of shareholders' agreements, shotgun clauses (including Blackmore Management Inc. v. Carmanah Management Corp.), and revised discussion and updated case law on family law issues and shareholders' agreements
  • discussion of rectification and the recent Supreme Court of Canada decision Canada (Attorney General) v. Collins Family Trust
  • commentary on Bill 20 and the (not yet in force) amended requirements for transparency registers
  • new discussion on the effects of legislation such as the Land Owner Transparency Act and Underused Housing Tax Act on capital structure
  • new case law and discussion on dispositions of undertaking (including as to dissent rights and to qualitative and quantitative tests), amalgamations and property transfer tax, and arrangements
Product Type Price
Print $399

Sign up for a Standing Order to receive notice one month before a new update is released and receive a special update price. Contact Customer Service for more information. Sign up for an annual subscription to this title and receive 30% off the price of the print copy.

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CLEBC Legal Editor
Edie Ryan

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