BC Strata Property Practice Manual

Product Type: Publications - Print + Online
ISBN: 978-1-55258-566-5
Pages: 1220
Price: $350.00

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This book is essential for: Lawyers acting for parties involved in strata matters, such as strata corporations, strata lot owners, strata managers, owner developers, and local government.

Current to: January 1, 2011  

From the ground floor up
With our province continuing to undergo a high level of new strata construction and conversions, and with significant legislative amendments now in force as well as an active litigation environment, the
British Columbia Strata Property Practice Manual is an essential practice tool for solicitors and litigators working in the field of strata property. The book is a winner of the ACLEA Award for Professional Excellence in Publications!

Subscriptions include forms, precedents, and checklists on CD-ROM, and online access with search capability and links to the full text of case law and legislation.

NEW! ONLINE ONLY annual subscriptions are now available. Click here to subscribe.

Highlights of the 2011 update

  • Significant matters discussed: fixtures installed on common property; common facilities owned by two or more strata corporations; strata lot owner’s inability to discharge builders liens after date of conveyance; age restriction bylaws; duty to accommodate disability; property transfer tax exemptions for certain fundamental changes to strata plan
  • Recent case law discussed includes: common facilities in phased strata plan; reallocation of expenses from particular sections to common budget; documenting owner resolutions prior to first conveyance; deficiencies in meeting procedure; entitlement of owners adverse in litigation to notice of general meeting; procedure for approval of special levy resolution; need for bylaw to make section responsible for common property; fines for rental restriction bylaw contraventions; erroneous registration of bylaws; absence of council member at meeting addressing issue in which he or she may have an interest; injunctions against strata lot owners; inability of strata corporation to bring “significantly unfair” action against itself; effect of Provincial Court characterization of short-term accommodation as licence rather than rental of strata lot; insurance coverage of grow-op damage; policy wording requirements for strata corporations; court deference to strata council decision regarding choice of repair option; court-ordered winding-up of “dysfunctional” strata corporation

CLEBC Legal Editor
L. Joy Tataryn

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