Conveyancing Deskbook - Print

Product Type: Publications - Print
ISBN: 1-55258-213-2
Pages: 558
Price: $299.00

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Legal support staff's step-by-step guide to conveyancing in BC

This publication is essential for: legal support staff that work with residential real estate conveyances

Current to: July 1, 2023

Conveyancing involves so many details that it is hard to keep track of all the tasks you need to complete. Conveyancing Deskbook offers you practical, step-by-step instructions for all tasks involved in transferring land in BC. With checklists for each step in the process, practice notes for acting for the purchaser and the lender, over 70 forms and precedents, and a glossary of common terms, this manual will guide you through a problem-free conveyance.

With this resource, you will be able to:

  • understand the purpose and importance of each step in the conveyancing process
  • confirm you haven't missed a step by consulting thorough checklists
  • access a collection of conveyancing forms and precedents

Buy today and run your conveyancing files most effectively! View a sample from this book!

The 2023 Update of the Conveyancing Deskbook incorporates recent developments in real estate law and practice, including:

  • Framework Agreement on First Nation Land Management process
  • real estate licensee disclosure requirement as to buyer's right of rescission
  • updated list of BCFSA policy statements regarding developer's disclosure statements
  • prohibition on strata rental restrictions and age restrictions (with specified exceptions) and repeal of Form J
  • retirement of LTSA COVID-19 measures effective September 30, 2023
  • Federal underused housing tax
  • Federal financial consumer protection rules, including bank disclosure statement requirements for a credit agreement
  • Federal Prohibition on the Purchase of Residential Property by Non-Canadians Act
  • "cooling-off period" (buyer's right of rescission)
  • remote witnessing of enduring power of attorney forms
Product Type Price
Print $299
Sign up for a Standing Order to receive notice one month before a new update is released and receive a special update price. Contact Customer Service for more information. Sign up for an annual subscription to this title and receive 30% off the price of the print copy. 

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CLEBC Legal Editor
L. Joy Tataryn

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