Course Introduction and Land Acknowledgement (9:00 – 9:10)
Meghan Selinger — Silver Selinger LLP, Vancouver
View from the Bench (9:10 – 9:50)
- suggestions for an effective chambers application
- pointers for trial preparation
- getting the most out of a JCC
Justice Julie K. Lamb — Supreme Court of BC, New Westminster
Managing Your Clients: Intake and Communication (9:50 – 10:30)
- assessing clients' emotional states
- screening clients
- retainers and retainer letters
- managing expectations
- responsibilities for screening for family violence
- red flags
Kevin J. Heinrichs — Heinrichs Richards LLP, Vancouver
BREAK (10:30 – 10:45)
Moving Forward: Assessing Options (10:45 – 11:25)
- collaborative law
- commencing proceedings
- negotiation
- mediation
- arbitration
H. Hailey Graham — Hamilton Fabbro, Vancouver
Daylyn Miller — Hamilton Fabbro, Vancouver
Disclosure and Discovery: Timelines and Tools (11:25 – 12:05)
- disclosure triggers and ongoing disclosure obligations
- client understanding and awareness
- Family Law Rules
- lists of documents
- examinations for discovery
- interrogatories
Shawna L. Specht — ViewPoint Family Law, Vancouver
NETWORKING LUNCH (provided to in-person registrants) (12:05 – 1:05)
Judicial Case Conferences (JCCs) (1:05 – 1:45)
- what is a JCC
- Family Law Rules
- the scope of JCCs
- disclosure obligations
- available orders that JCC judges can make
- exemptions to JCCs
- strategy for effective use of JCCs
- preparing yourself and your client
- preparing a JCC brief
- setting subsequent JCCs
Shannon Beebe — Basran Robin Allen & Desilets, Vancouver
Shashika R. Stanislaus — Basran Robin Allen & Desilets, Vancouver
Expert Reports (1:45 – 2:20)
- types of expert reports: section 202 and 211 reports, joint, party's own, courts' own, rebuttal
- emerging use of shadow experts
Matt Ostrow — Clark Wilson LLP, Vancouver
BREAK (2:20 – 2:35)
On Your Marks, Get Set, Go: Trial and Mediation Preparation (2:35 – 3:15)
- how to prepare for mediation, including mediation briefs
- how to start litigation, including:
- framing your claim
- organizing documents
- how to prepare for trial, including:
- examinations for discovery
- witness preparation and examination
- experts
- trial management conferences and briefs
- opening and closing arguments
Peter Schmidt — BTM Lawyers LLP, Port Moody
Parenting Coordination: The Process and the Role of Counsel (3:15 – 3:55)
- what is parenting coordination
- appointments and intake
- what files are or are not appropriate for this process
- role of counsel
- jurisdiction of a PC/enforcement
- availability
Kelsey Beazer — Jenkins Marzban Logan LLP, Vancouver
Julia M. Hibbard — Hayward Sheppard, Vancouver
Closing Remarks (3:55 – 4:00)
Meghan Selinger — Silver Selinger LLP, Vancouver