StandUP to Sexual Harassment in the Legal Profession

Product Type: Course

Courses - Webinar
Start Date & Time
2025-02-25 12:00 PM
End Date & Time
2025-02-25 1:00 PM
Online Provider

DescriptionMore Detail

A safe place to learn and practice how to "see something, say something"

Tuesday, February 25, 2025
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
via webinar only

Please note: This course will not be added to Courses on Demand. Courses involving professional speakers and skills-based workshops generally do not get added to Courses on Demand.

Who should attend: All lawyers; this program may also be of interest to human resources professionals and other staff who work in the legal profession

Learning level: All levels

Recent headline news about sexual harassment in the legal profession indicate that we still need to do more to prevent workplace sexual harassment. Content development for this session has been led by employment lawyers and workplace investigators who regularly advise on, and investigate, sexual harassment matters.

Topics that will be covered include:

  • what is sexual harassment?
    • review of the legal definition of sexual harassment
    • examples of conduct and comments on the spectrum of sexual harassment
  • professional conduct rules
    • review of applicable professional standards for lawyers including the most recent commentary to the Code of Professional Conduct
  • role of bystanders
    • explain the power and importance of bystanders in creating a culture of respect
    • review the range of bystander intervention strategies
    • apply bystander intervention strategies to example scenarios

Join us to be a part of the solution and learn to respond to and report workplace sexual harassment!

Law Society of BC CPD Hours: 1 hour (this course will contain a minimum of 1 hour pertaining to professional responsibility and ethics, client care and relations, and/or practice management)

Course Instructors
Jessica Forman Forte Workplace Law, Surrey
Christie Gilmour  Forte Workplace Law, Surrey

Register by Feb. 4/25
Regular Price
After Feb. 4/25
Live Webinar $124 $134
Live Webinar Articled Student $84 $84

Are you a member of the Indigenous legal community (lawyer/Articled Student/legal support staff/paralegal) or a non-lawyer Indigenous community member?
We value your contributions and encourage your participation in all of our programs. To increase accessibility, we offer a 50% discount* to all Indigenous lawyers/Articled Students/legal support staff/paralegals and a limited number of free online registrations to non-lawyer Indigenous community members. (*discount applies to Regular prices, not Early Bird prices). Please contact Customer Service to find out more.

Unable to attend a course without financial assistance from CLEBC?
Click here for bursary information.

Want to register for a course now, but prefer a monthly payment plan?
Check out our Easy Pay Plan

Registration includes an electronic copy of the reference materials.

CLEBC Program Lawyer*
Genevieve Chang

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