Mediation Master Class

Product Type: Course

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An in-depth clinical practice and discussion course for mediators

Monday and Tuesday, November 27 and 28, 2023
9:00 am – 4:00 pm (both days)
CLEBC Boardroom, 500 - 1155 West Pender Street, Vancouver

Limited enrolment. Register early to avoid disappointment!

Please note: This course will not be added to Courses on Demand.  Courses involving professional speakers and skills-based workshops generally do not get added to Courses on Demand.

Who should attend: Experienced mediators in private practice, mediators working in institutional settings (including courts and tribunals), or those providing contract mediation services. Scenarios will be drawn from participants' areas of interest and are likely to include contexts ranging from workplace to family to commercial and more.

Learning level: Advanced

Mediation Master Class offers an opportunity for experienced mediators to:

  • reflect on current topics in the mediation field
  • practice advanced skills
  • compare and learn from best practices across different mediation contexts

This is a highly participatory course. You will take part in practice exercises, roleplays, and small group discussions. In addition, you will be encouraged to read selected articles on emerging issues ahead of the course and will be invited to bring additional topics forward for discussion.

This course counts for 6.0 ADR CPD hours.

*DISCLAIMER: Learners are required to participate fully in the course. "Full participation" is in the faculty's sole discretion. Activities such as reading the paper, watching video programming on their computer, not being present, engaging in phone calls, and disrupting the class with non-relevant activities will demonstrate a lack of full participation.

Law Society of BC CPD Hours: 12 hours (this course will include a minimum of 2 hours of professional responsibility and ethics, client care and relations, and/or practice management)

Course Instructor 
Sharon Sutherland, RRM — Executive Director, Mediate BC, Tsawwassen

Register by Oct. 30/23
Regular Price
After Oct. 30/23
In-person $1,137 $1,299

Are you an Indigenous lawyer/Articled Student/legal support staff/paralegal or community member?
We value your contributions and encourage your participation in all of our programs. To increase accessibility, we offer a 50% discount* to all Indigenous lawyers/Articled Students/legal support staff/paralegals and a limited number of free online registrations to non-lawyer Indigenous community members (*discount applies to Regular prices, not Early Bird prices). Please contact Customer Service to find out more.

Unable to attend a course without financial assistance from CLEBC?
Click here for bursary information.

Want to register for a course now, but prefer a monthly payment plan?
Check out our Easy Pay Plan

Registration includes a hard copy of the workshop materials.

CLEBC Program Coordinator
Mary Kingston

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