Welcome and Land Acknowledgement (9:00 – 9:10)
Anna Laing — Farris LLP, Vancouver
Will or Trust—When to Choose One or the Other (9:10 – 9:50)
- pros and cons of a will versus a trust (including tax considerations)
- wills variation considerations for drafters
- mutual wills agreements as a potential tool
Stephanie J. Daniels — Farris LLP, Vancouver
BREAK (9:50 – 10:05)
Wills Variation Issues (10:05 – 10:45)
- recent case law specific to blended families
- the consideration of legal and moral obligations in the blended family context
- law relating to common law spouse vs. adult children variation claims
Eric B. Clavier — Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP, Vancouver
BREAK (10:45 – 11:00)
Family Home Considerations (11:00 – 11:40)
- joint tenancy—how to ease estate administration but still protect the kids
- Land (Spouse Protection) Act charges
- life estate versus license to occupy
- the difference between the two
- refresher—life estate obligations, who pays for what
- practical difficulties policing the life estate
Tristan Miller — Farris LLP, Vancouver
Geoffrey W. White — Geoffrey W. White Law Corporation, Counsel, Clark Wilson LLP, Kelowna and Vancouver
BREAK (11:40 – 11:55)
Incapacity Planning (11:55 – 12:35)
- issues with powers of attorney
- using the adult's assets to support others
- who pays for caregiving
- when can an attorney sever a joint tenancy
Ingrid M. Tsui — Alexander Holburn Beaudin + Lang LLP, Vancouver
LUNCH (12:35 – 1:15)
Agreements Between Spouses with Blended Families (1:15 – 1:50)
- considerations for spouses in financially disparate positions
- how much disclosure is enough
- how an agreement can help reduce future conflict with successor generations
Ian B. Hayward — Hayward Sheppard, Vancouver
Beatrice C. McCutcheon — Cook Roberts LLP, Victoria
BREAK (1:50 – 2:05)
Separation Issues in Blended Families (2:05 – 2:40)
- when the estate plan makes it advantageous for a spouse to trigger a separation
- challenging a strategic separation engineered by a spouse
- challenging a strategic separation engineered by a spouse's children
Chantal M. Cattermole — Clark Wilson LLP, Vancouver
Anna Laing — Farris LLP, Vancouver
BREAK (2:40 – 2:55)
Duties Between Spouses when Estate Planning (2:55 – 3:20)
- fraudulent conveyance considerations when estate planning
- fiduciary duties when estate planning
James W. Zaitsoff — Owen Bird Law Corporation, Vancouver
BREAK (3:20 – 3:35)
Tax Issues Specific to Blended Families (3:35 – 4:00)
- managing/minimizing taxation on death
- life interest trusts and drafting considerations
- particular tax considerations for inter vivos transfers
Alexander Demner — Thorsteinssons LLP, Vancouver