A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words—Making Your Case to the Jury with Legal Technology
You will see high-tech courtroom presentations developed for the courtroom. We will show you how legal technology can be used to create a digital exhibit notebook and retrieve documents, images, animation, and deposition testimony (even video) for opening statement, witness examination, impeachment, and closing argument.
Key Considerations Before Hiring an Expert Trial Consultant
If the economics of your case does not justify hiring a consultant to help develop a trial presentation, you may want to consider a “do-it-yourself” alternative. This segment will show you how you can effectively represent your client at trial without the need of hiring a trial consultant or expert.
Using PowerPoint Effectively in Litigation
Developing electronic presentations for the courtroom. This session will provide a step-by-step approach on how to effectively present demonstrative evidence and the rules you need to follow when producing your exhibits for presentation to the court. From opening statement to closing argument learn the dos and don’ts of an electronic trial presentation.
E-Discovery and Document Management
E-discovery and managing attorney work product can be intimidating and daunting, but it does not have to be. In this session, we will discuss when it is appropriate to use your document management system and a true litigation support system, acquiring and preserving data, processing electronic files, managing work product, managing discovery production, and preparing it for trial.
iPad for Litigators
There are a number of incredible trial technology tools, apps and workflows available on the iPad for litigators. In this session, learn about TrialPad, TranscriptPad, Suprabook, Timeline apps, and many others to streamline your trial prep and presentations.
30 Litigation Technology Tips, Tricks, Apps, and Websites in 30 Minutes
In this fast-paced session, we will close out the day by covering litigation practice tips and trial tactics designed specifically for litigators.