Champagne Technology on a Beer Budget (Technology for Tightwads)

Product Type: Course

This course has no current sessions.

DescriptionMore DetailAgenda

(Original Course Date: October 23, 2018)

Who should attend: Lawyers and staff wanting to keep costs low when making tech choices

Learning level: All levels

Let's face it, the array of your technology choices is overwhelming; and in this economy, you cannot afford to make bad tech decisions. This seminar gives you a lawyer's technology roadmap focusing on keeping costs as low as possible.

You will learn about:

  • return on investment analysis and tech spending strategies for a down economy
  • how to get the best technology deals for your firm
  • inexpensive alternatives to Word and WordPerfect, and search software that eliminates the problem of lost files once and for all
  • laptop vs. desktop: appropriate PC configuration for a law firm, PC configuration items to look for and items to avoid
  • computer and network protection including uninterruptible power supplies, antivirus, firewalls, anti-spyware, and anti-spam
  • disaster avoidance and backup recommendations (hardware and software)
  • law firm printer, scanner, and fax issues along with recommendations
  • smartphone/personal digital assistant recommendations for lawyers
  • legal-specific billing, accounting, and case management software options
  • accessing your firm's files and resources when you're not in the office

Law Society of BC CPD Hours: 2 hours (a minimum of 2 hours involving professional responsibility and ethics, client care and relations, and/or practice management)

Course Instructor
Barron K. Henley — Affinity Consulting Group, LLC, Columbus, OH

Rebroadcast $199   $165

Registration includes an electronic copy of the reference materials.

Please note: The CPD hours of the rebroadcast will either meet or exceed the CPD hours of the original live course.

Webinar Archive: This course will not be added to the Webinar Archive.

Unable to attend without financial support? Learn about our Bursary Program and Easy Pay Plan.

CLEBC Program Coordinator
Faye Davis

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