Advanced SSAG-ing

Product Type: Course

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DescriptionMore DetailAgenda

All you need to know about the Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines

Last Kick at the Can 2018
Monday, December 3, 2018
9:00 am - 4:00 pm via webinar

(Original Course Date: November 9, 2017)

Who should attend: Lawyers practicing in the area of family law.

Learning level: Intermediate/Advanced

This program will give participants a chance to grapple with advanced issues in using the Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines (SSAG): entitlement issues, tricky without child support formula cases, the less common versions of the with child support formula, analyzing location within the SSAG ranges, SSAG exceptions (in detail), support agreements, the SSAG use on variation and review, changing incomes over time, re-partnering, second families, self-sufficiency, and of course, retirement. There will be lots of sample problems for discussion, question and answer sessions, and the opportunity to talk about unusual and strange cases.

After taking this course you will:

  • understand complex issues in using the Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines (SSAG)
  • know about the practicalities of using the SSAG and how to deal with SSAG exceptions in your practice
  • have up-to-date information on issues such as the without child support and the with child support formulas, changing spousal support and changing incomes, and retirement
  • be aware of issues around second families, re-partnering, and self-sufficiency

Law Society of BC CPD Hours: 6 hours (For rebroadcasts: a minimum of 1.25 hours pertaining to professional responsibility and ethics, client care and relations, and/or practice management.)

Course Chairs
Professor Carol Rogerson — Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, Toronto
Professor Rollie Thompson, QC — Schulich School of Law, Dalhousie University, Halifax

Pricing  Last Kick at the Can Rebroadcast
Rebroadcast $489
Registration includes an electronic copy of the reference materials.
Please note: The CPD hours of the rebroadcast may differ from the CPD hours of the original, live program.

Webinar Archive: This course will be added to the Webinar Archive. See below to subscribe. 

SPECIAL GROUP RATES! Plus-one pricing!
Gather a few colleagues around a computer to SAVE on Webinar/Rebroadcast costs! Groups pay full price for the main registrant + $179 per day for each additional viewer.* Contact Customer Service for more info.

* If your group includes a student, the first registration must be at the full rate if a lawyer is participating.

Unable to attend without financial support? Learn about our Bursary Program and Easy Pay Plan.

Can't make the course/webinar? Subscribe to:
1. Online Course Materials* —
an on-demand archive of CLEBC papers since 2001
2. Webinar Archive* —
an on-demand, online video repository of most past CLEBC courses

*Annual subscription rate based on firm size.

CLEBC Program Lawyer
Nadia Myerthall


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