Human Rights Law Conference 2017

Product Type: Course

This course has no current sessions.

DescriptionMore DetailAgenda

Current and Comprehensive

Jump Start on CPD 2018 
Wednesday, March 7 and Thursday, March 8, 2018
9:00 am – 4:00 pm (both days) via webinar

(Original course: November 30 and December 1, 2017)

Who should attend: All those who have an interest in human rights issues, including human resource professionals and employment, labour, and human rights lawyers.

Learning level: Intermediate/Advanced

CLEBC is proud to present this year's Human Rights Law Conference. Over the course of two days, we'll address the most current and emerging issues in human rights law. You will walk away from this conference with a substantive look at current trends and practical issues to meet the increasingly complex and sophisticated issues in this area of practice.

At this course, you will: 

  • hear from counsel of record on the implications of British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal v. Edward Schrenk on the scope of the Human Rights Code
  • get up-to-date on developments in accommodation of family status, mental disability, and accommodation in the union setting
  • learn best practices for working with limited retainers
  • hear about the latest cases and how to apply them to your practice before the Human Rights Tribunal and in the courts

Law Society of BC CPD Hours: 12.75 hours (a minimum of 2.25 hours will involve professional responsibility and ethics, client care and relations, and/or practice management)

Course Chairs 
Sandra F. Guarascio — Roper Greyell LLP, Vancouver
Lindsay M. LysterMoore Edgar Lyster, Vancouver

Featured Speaker
Matt Eisenbrandt — Special Consultant, Camp Fiorante Matthews Mogerman, Victoria

Jump Start on CPD 2018
Register by Feb 5
Regular Price
After Feb 5
Webinar Rebroadcast $759 $849
Webinar Rebroadcast Articled Student $419 $379
Save even more with your CPDone Pass
Registration includes an electronic copy of the course materials.
Please note: The CPD hours of the rebroadcast may differ from the CPD hours of the original, live program.

Webinar Archive: This course will be added to the Webinar Archive.

SPECIAL GROUP RATES! Plus-one pricing!
Gather a few colleagues around a computer to SAVE on Webinar/Rebroadcast costs! Groups pay full price for the main registrant + $289 for both days for each additional viewer.* Contact Customer Service for more info.

*If your group includes a student, the first registration must be at the full rate if a lawyer is participating.

Unable to attend without financial support? Learn about our Bursary Program and Easy Pay Plan.

Can't make the course/webinar? Subscribe to:
1. Online Course Materials* —
an on-demand archive of CLEBC papers since 2001
2. Webinar Archive* —
an on-demand, online video repository of most past CLEBC courses

*Annual subscription rate based on firm size.

CLEBC Program Lawyer
Genevieve Chang


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