Day 1
Welcome and Introduction
James A.W. Schuman, QC — Schuman Daltrop Basran & Robin, Vancouver
Jeffrey A. Rose, QC — Jeffrey A. Rose, QC, Vancouver
Nikki L. Charlton — Farris, Vaughan, Wills & Murphy LLP, Vancouver
Opening Comments
The Honourable Madam Justice Grace Choi — Supreme Court of BC, Vancouver
The Revised User's Guide to the SSAG
- the latest SSAG appeal decisions: BC and beyond the Rockies
- location, location, location: using the SSAG ranges
- how the Revised User’s Guide can help you
- exceptions, exceptions, exceptions
- post-separation income increases and reductions
- re-partnering, self-sufficiency, retirement and other changes
Professor Rollie Thompson, QC — Schulich School, of Law, Dalhousie University, Halifax
Networking Break
You Used the SSAG, You Got the Order, Now What?
- review vs. variation
- material change and termination
- reinstating spousal support
- how to breach an agreement
- sunset/dusk clauses
- lump sum and periodic payments — how to fix — reapportionment
Trudi Brown, QC — Brown Henderson Melbye, Victoria
Kay Melbye — Brown Henderson Melbye, Victoria
Networking Lunch (Provided)
How to Engage/Oversee Financial Experts
- valuations (including historical)
- joint reports – process for engagement and protocol
- how to oppose; use of critiques; shadow experts
- Guidelines Income reports (legal vs financial issues)
Paul R. Albi, QC — DLA Piper (Canada) LLP, Vancouver
Kiu Ghanavizchian, CPA, CA, CBV, MBA — Blair Mackay Mynett Valuations Inc., Vancouver
- dealing with difficult parties and counsel
- being a role model
The Honourable Judge Edna M. Ritchie — Provincial Court of BC, Abbotsford
Dinyar Marzban, QC — Jenkins Marzban Logan LLP, Vancouver
Networking Break
View from the Bench
- tips on being a good counsel
- new and old advocacy skills
- evidence — the sufficiency and propriety of the affidavit material
The Honourable Madam Justice J. Miriam Gropper — Supreme Court of BC, Vancouver
The Honourable I. Bruce Josephson —Retired Justice of the Supreme Court of BC and Associate Counsel, Hira Rowan LLP, Vancouver
Day 2
Welcome and Introduction
James A. W. Schuman, QC — Schuman Daltrop Basran & Robin, Vancouver
Jeffrey A. Rose, QC — Jeffrey A. Rose, QC, Vancouver
Nikki L. Charlton — Farris, Vaughan, Wills & Murphy LLP, Vancouver
Interim Advances/Property/Excluded Property
- s. 89 interim distributions
- excluded property: where are we post V.J.F.?
- trust and contingent matters – is timing everything?
Scott L. Booth — Jenkins Marzban Logan LLP, Vancouver
Anna Laing — Farris, Vaughan, Wills & Murphy LLP, Vancouver
Networking Break
Child Support: Nuances, Tips (and Traps)
- stepparents
- death and taxes (well, child support)
- retroactive reduction vs. cancellation or reduction of arrears
- reviews of child support
- incomes over $150,000: Is this a room without a roof?
Todd R. Bell — Schuman Daltrop Basran & Robin, Vancouver
David C. Dundee — Paul & Company, Kamloops
Networking Lunch
Alienation and Estrangement Remedies
- development of our understanding
- legal and psychological interventions
- intractable cases
Matthew J. Sullivan, Ph.D. – Palo Alto, California
s. 211 — How to Prepare Your Client
- what you need to know:
- purpose of the assessment
- professional requirement/college guidelines
- process and steps involved
- content: generic vs. idiosyncratic (how psychologists differ)
- what you need to say to your cilent: the dos
- what you should not say to your client: the don'ts
- danger zones to avoid
Nicole Aubé, PhD, RPsych — Vancouver
Matthew J. Sullivan, PhD — Palo Alto, California
Networking Break
FLA Section 8 — All Roads Don't Lead to Trial
- sections 8 and 37—clients' duty to best interests of the child
- consent dispute resolution—mediation, med/arb, arbitration, parenting coordination
- non-trial court assistance—JCCs, JSCs, Summary Trial
- best interest of the child cost/benefit analysis
Morag M.J. MacLeod, QC — Barrister & Solicitor, Vancouver
Mary E. Mouat, QC — Lawyer & Mediator, Quadra Legal Centre, Victoria