Employment Law Conference 2015

Product Type: Course

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DescriptionMore DetailAgenda

Comprehensive and compelling

"Last Kick at the Can 2015": Wednesday & Thursday, December 9 & 10, 2015; Time: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm BOTH DAYS

(Original course: Thursdy & Friday, May 7 & 8, 2015)

Who should attend: Employment lawyers and in-house counsel.

Learning level: All levels

Employment law is constantly developing—new cases, new issues, and new strategies. Join us for this two-day conference where you will receive a comprehensive understanding of the key emerging issues, and updates in substantive issues. By attending this conference, you will complete all of your Law Society CPD requirements for the year!

This year we are very fortunate to have media crises management expert, Zdenka Buric, Managing Partner of National Public Relations Inc., Vancouver, join us as our luncheon speaker on Day 1 of the conference. She specializes in issues and crises management as well as labour relations. She will shed some light on how to help your clients get ahead of and avoid a media scandal— like the widely publicized fallout between Jian Ghomeshi and CBC—when your clients are involved in issues that are or could become newsworthy matters.

Past attendees/presenters said it best:

"First employment law conference and it was excellent re topics covering traditional subject matters and new upcoming subjects that were thought-provoking and insightful."

"Fantastic as always. Excellent work in creating the great agenda of topics."

"I thought that was one of the best CLEs that I've attended to date in terms of the variety of topics and the quality of the presentations that I saw. The mix of black letter stuff (case law updates and the like) and big-picture policy stuff was just right."

Law Society of BC CPD Hours: 12 hours (a minimum of 2 hours will involve aspects of professional responsibility and ethics, client care and relations, and/or practice management)

Course Chairs
Matthew Cooperwilliams — Harris & Company LLP, Vancouver
Simon Kent — Kent Employment Law, Vancouver

Planning Committee
Adele J. Adamic — Legal Services, Ministry of Justice, Vancouver
Nicole Marie Byres, QC — Miller Thomson LLP, Vancouver
Peter Eastwood — Hamilton Howell Bain & Gould, Vancouver
Eleni Kassaris — Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP, Vancouver
Michael R. Kilgallin — Roper Greyell LLP, Vancouver
Nicole Prior — BC Hydro – Legal Services/FOICO, Vancouver
Martin Sheard — TevlinGleadle Employment Law Strategies, Vancouver

"Last Kick at the Can 2015" Rebroadcast: $950

Registration includes an electronic copy of the course materials.

Webinar Archive: This course will be added to the Webinar Archive. Click here to subscribe.

Unable to attend without financial support? To learn more about CLEBC's Bursary Program click here and for our Easy Pay Plan click here.


Can't make the live course/live webinar?

1. Order the online course materials, an archive of all CLEBC papers published since 2001. ... OR
2. Subscribe to the Webinar Archive, a repository of recordings of most CLEBC past courses.

Annual subscription rates for both options are based on firm size.

Mark your calendar!
Human Rights Conference 2015—Thursday & Friday, November 19 & 20, 2015
Labour Relations Conference 2015—Thursday, October 1, 2015

CLEBC Program Lawyer
Genevieve Chang

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