The Journey of Aging—The Law & Beyond: Connecting Across Discipline & Geography

Product Type: Course

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Day 1 of The Canadian Elder Law Conference

Presented by CLEBC in collaboration with CCEL 

"Jump Start on CPD 2016": Thursday, March 3, 2016; Time: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

(Original course: Thursday, November 12, 2015)

Who should attend: Health care professionals, social workers, advocacy groups, financial trustees, and anyone concerned with the rights of the elderly; the course may also be of interest to lawyers and notaries practicing in the areas of elder law and wills, estates and trusts law, and family law.

Learning level: Intermediate/Advanced

Join practitioners from law, social work, health care, finance, non-profit, and other sectors from across the country and around the world to talk about the challenges and issues involved in working with older adults.

After taking this course you will...

  • be better able to identify and address the legal issues that impact your older client in estates, family, and other practice areas
  • be familiar with recent trends and developments in the law with respect to elder law topics such as health care decision-making, physician-assisted suicide, and elder abuse
  • better understand the legal, practical, and ethical issues in relation to clients with mental capacity issues

This course was paired with the course The Journey of Aging—The Law & Beyond: Key Practice Challenges and Hot Topics in Legal Practice held the following day Friday, November 13, 2015 to form the Canadian Elder Law Conference.

CLEBC would like to thank Goddard Gammage Stephens LLP, McLellan Hebert, the Notary Foundation and Whaley Estate Litigation for their generous support in sponsoring the live event.


Law Society of BC CPD Hours: 6.25 hours (a minimum of 1 hour will involve aspects of professional responsibility and ethics, client care and relations, and/or practice management)

MORE: For in-depth interviews, breaking news, and exclusive previews, please visit our Elder Law Conference blog.

Course Chairs 
Jan Goddard — Goddard Gamage Stephens LLP, Toronto
Hugh S. McLellan — McLellan Herbert, Vancouver

"Jump Start on CPD 2016" Rebroadcast
EARLY BIRD (Register by February 1, 2016 and SAVE): $430
Save even more with your CPDone Pass. Click here for more info.

After February 1, 2016: $475

Registration includes an electronic copy of the course materials.

SPECIAL GROUP RATES! New "plus-one" pricing!
Gather around one computer and SAVE on Live Webinar/Rebroadcast costs. Pay full price for the first registration and have each additional viewer join you for $125 per day. Contact Customer Service for more info.

Webinar Archive: This course will be added to the Webinar Archive. See below to subscribe.

Unable to attend without financial support? To learn more about CLEBC's Bursary Program click here and for our Easy Pay Plan click here.

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1. Order the online course materials, an archive of all CLEBC papers published since 2001. ... OR
2. Subscribe to the Webinar Archive, a repository of recordings of most CLEBC past courses.

Annual subscription rates for both options are based on firm size.

CLEBC Program Lawyer
Nadia Myerthall

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