Wills Drafting Workshop in the Context of Estate Planning 2023

Product Type: Course

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Learn how to draft an effective will and reduce claims and complaints in your wills practice

Thursday and Friday, April 27 and 28, 2023
9:00 am – 4:00 pm (both days)
Pinnacle Hotel Harbourfront, 1133 West Hastings Street, Vancouver

Please note: This course will not be added to Courses on Demand. Courses involving professional speakers and skills-based workshops generally do not get added to Courses on Demand.

Who should attend: Lawyers practicing in the area of wills, estates and trusts

Learning level: Fundamental/Intermediate

There are two dangerous myths in wills practice: 1) that anyone can draft an effective will; and 2) that there is such a thing as a "simple will."

Ensure you avoid the pitfalls that come along with these myths by learning an effective, systematic process for serving wills clients. Over two days, workshop leaders will take you step-by-step from the client interview through to drafting the will, identifying tips for avoiding claims and complaints along the way.

You will gain confidence in pinpointing key issues, understanding where a will fits into an estate plan, and recognizing broader estate planning concerns when drafting a will.

Join us and improve your wills practice procedures today.

After this workshop you will:

  • recognize difficult or unusual problems relating to wills drafting
  • learn about appropriate solutions to resolve these errors and problems
  • avoid pitfalls that cause the majority of complaints
  • receive a tab-indexed binder of documents, checklists, and other practical background materials
  • benefit from the wisdom and experience of your workshop leaders and peers 

Law Society of BC CPD Hours: 12 hours (this course will contain a minimum of 2 hours pertaining to professional responsibility and ethics, client care and relations, and/or practice management). 

Workshop Leaders
Shelley A. Bentley — Barrister & Solicitor, Vancouver
Dwight D. Dee Miller Thomson LLP, Vancouver
Kim A. Karras BKS Law Corporation, South Surrey/White Rock
Emma A. McArthur Johns Southward, Victoria
Isabel L. Romeral Farris LLP, Vancouver
Amanda J. Stacey Miller Thomson LLP, Vancouver
Geoffrey W. White, KC Geoffrey W. White Law Corporation, Counsel, Clark Wilson LLP, Kelowna and Vancouver
Chelsea D. Wilson Ramsay Lampman Rhodes, Nanaimo

Register by Mar. 30/23
Regular Price
After Mar. 30/23
In-person $984   $886 $989   $984
In-person Articled Student $494.50   $492 $494.50   $492

Are you an Indigenous lawyer or community member?
Click here for special pricing.

Do you need financial assistance?
Click here for bursary information.

Experiencing financial hardship due to COVID-19?
You may be eligible for further reductions in our course prices.
Please contact Customer Service for more information.

Registration includes an electronic copy and a print copy of the workshop materials.

Lunch is included both days.

Unable to attend without financial support? Learn about our Bursary Program and Easy Pay Plan.

CLEBC Program Lawyer*
Nadia Myerthall

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